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America can produce an abundance of clean renewable energy. The federal government can accelerate the pace of innovation.
Energy Development Block Grants
I will work to create a new federal tool, designed to accelerate cutting-edge innovations in engineering, computing, and the sciences. These new Energy Development Block Grants (EDGBs) will award $10 billion annually to competitively fund discovery-oriented research that would otherwise not be financeable in the private capital markets.
The program will be designed to spawn start-ups that would be tasked with commercializing any research that is funded by the grant. EDBGs will range between $500,000 and $75.6 million, depending on the capital intensity required for the demonstration project. These grants will be targeted to hone and scale innovations in tidal energy, wave-source energy, geothermal, blade-less wind, green hydrogen, oscillating wind, carbon sequestration, and microgrids.

Modern National Energy Grid
A nationwide energy grid would allow us to seamlessly transport energy from where it is produced to where it is consumed, across all geographies of the country. Our segmented energy grid and regional utility system prevent us from easily importing and exporting electricity between regions. By funding the construction of a federal highway system for electricity, we can fully integrate the nation's production and distribution system, which enables to the distribution of energy to address production surpluses and production gaps. A modern national energy grid would allow that nuclear generated energy to be imported from Texas or the Midwest.
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