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Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren has been bought buy Big Tech.  In exchange for huge sums of campaign contributions, Lofgren thwarts Andy attempt to regulate the industry - including regulations to protect children.

Lofgren even voted against the Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act, despite being on the floor at the time of the vote, and despite Nancy Pelosi voting for it.  Why couldn’t she bring herself to vote for a law that prevents the circulation of child pornography?  


Lofgren also voted against the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act.


Lofgren is more responsible for allowing the global sex trafficking epidemic to spiral out of control.  She is the Chair of Internet Subcommittee, the Antitrust Subcommittee, and is the Ranking Member of the Science and Technology Committee


She is Big Tech’s biggest regulator in Congress, but she has done nothing to stop the industry’s exploitation of our children – despite sky rocking rates of youth bullying, depression, and suicide. 


Lofgren’s daughter – Sheila Collins – is the General Counsel at Google, raising questions about conflicts of interest and kickbacks similar to Hunter Biden’s pay-for-access racket.


If Lofgren treats America’s children this badly, you can imagine how little she cares about consumers. Lofgren voted to reverse a Federal Communications Commission rule designed to protect the privacy of customers of broadband and other telecommunications services. 


Lofgren is the reason that Americans pay the highest prices for cable and internet in the world.  She voted against the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act.


Lofgren even puts the interests of Big Tech ahead of Americans’ First Amendment rights.  Lofgren voted against the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, which would have prohibited federal employees from censoring the speech of others while acting in an official capacity.


Even today, Lofgren is trying to stop legislation that would protect children from revenge porn, allow victims of sex trafficking to file lawsuits against Big Tech platforms that enable the sex trade, and end the blanket immunity protections that the industry has abused. 


This March 5th – Vote no on ZOE


Vote Charlene Concepcion Nijmeh for Congress.  Vote for real change, not more of the same. 

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